Forum Concerns and Conversations
When religious professionals reject supernatural beliefs, a unique mix of life and career challenges can arise. The Clergy Project’s Online Community features a variety of forums targeting such issues and challenges. Here Project participants support, encourage, and guide one another as they navigate life’s next chapters.
Forum Issues Include:
- Career Transition
- Physical Needs
- Relationships
- Emotional and Mental Health
- Ethics, Humanism, and Other Philosophical Discussions
Common Issues for Those Still in Ministry ~
- Addressing feelings of being stuck and fearing the future
- Ministering without having a personal belief
- Staying in the ministry and being true to self
- Transitioning out of ministry and finding a new career
Common Issues Even After Leaving Ministry ~
- Coming Out / Telling family, friends, and community about one’s unbelief
- Living with believing spouses and family
- Other complications with signifiant others, children, and family
- Dealing with anger and bitterness toward religion, former affiliation, or one’s self
- Developing a new philosophy of life to assist with ethics, morality, etc.
- Finding meaning without faith and teaching of the church on ethics
- Dealing with stress and its effects on physical and mental health
- Dealing with depression and feelings of lost opportunities
- Coping with cognitive dissonance
- Adjusting to life after the ministry
- Career transition and optimization