Books & Blogs: Writers at The Clergy Project
As you might suspect, many of The Clergy Project’s six founders and seven-hundred-plus Project Participants are also gifted writers. Use the TCP Amazon Store below to find some new favorite reads. Use the store’s navigation bar at right to discover new authors. As an added perk, partial proceeds of all purchases are donated by Amazon to The Clergy Project. Please note that this link will bring you to Amazon.com’s own secure payment portal.
Looking for Blogs and Podcasts? Click here to jump to our TCP Bloggers & Podcasters List!
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Books Authored by TCP Participants & Founders.
Dan Barker (co-founder & participant)
Richard Dawkins (co-founder)
Daniel Dennett (co-founder)
Linda LaScola (co-founder)
Drew Bekius
John Compere
Robert Crompton
Jason Eden
Bart Ehrman
Caroline Fairless
Dr. Annalise Fonza
Chris Highland
David Jeffrey
Mary Johnson
Marion Kenneally
Mason Lane
John Loftus
David Madison
Bob Ripley
Tim Rymel
Patrick Semple
F. LeRon Shults
Ches Smith
Stephen Uhl
Gretta Vosper
Brandon Winningham
TCP Contributors to Rational Doubt
Rational Doubt ~ A blog by TCP co-founder Linda LaScola, composed of articles and interviews featuring TCP participants ~ (Linda is not ex-clergy so isn’t a Participant on the Online Community Forum.)
TCP Bloggers & Podcasters List
TCP members blog (and vlog and podcast) with a wide variety of interests. Click on each to see what they’ve been up to lately!
And some of our bloggers have shared their stories on ClergyProject.org’s Our Stories blog. Click on their names to read about the road which has brought them here!
Drew Bekius and Drew Bekius Blog ~
Bart Ehrman and The Bart Ehrman Blog: The History and Literature of Early Christianity ~
Neil Carter and Godless in Dixie ~
Bruce Gerencser and The Life and Times of Bruce Gerencser ~
Scott and Skeptic Meditations ~
Son O Samuel and Ruminations ~
Justin Vollmar and VirtualDeafChurch ~
Gretta Vosper and grettavosper.ca ~
Brandon Winningham and Ponderings of a prize pig ~